Newer Entries - WoW Roleplay Gear.
Heroes' Dreamwalker Battlegear - Transmog Set - World of Warcraft.
Valorous Dreamwalker Spaulders - WoWWiki - Your guide to the.
Valorous Frostfire Garb.Slot, Item, cost, sold by, location. Shoulders, Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher, 417 Justice Points, • Arcanist Adurin (Alliance) • Magistrix Brasael (Horde), Dalaran. Dec 14, 2011. The Valorous Bonescythe Battlegear items are sold in Dalaran. They are " purchased" with. Shoulders, 1 Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher.
Magister Brasael - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft.
Spaulders of the Lost Vanquisher - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to.. to drop each of the set items. You can redeem the tokens for set pieces at Paldesse in Dalaran.. Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher · Loatheb · Naxxramas (25 ). Dalaran, A H, Spaulders of the Lost Vanquisher (1). Heroes' Dreamwalker Mantle , Junk, Valerie Langrom. <Leather Armor Merchant>. Dalaran, A H, Spaulders.
Arcanist Adurin - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft.
mantle of the lost vanquisher dalaran
Valorous Frostfire Garb - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of.
mantle of the lost vanquisher dalaran
Valorous Scourgeborne Battlegear - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to.